Old Farms, Barns, Cars, Churches

Pictures from around the area of some old barns, farmyards, churches, windmills, tractors and trucks... A little bit of everything!

4-26-16 - 2150 - oldshed2
4-26-16 - 2178 - oldbarn2
4-26-16 - 2152 - farmyard2
4-26-16 - 2189 - oldbarn
4-26-16 - 2154 - oldfarmyard
4-26-16 - 2184 - oldgrainery
4-26-16 - 2155 - oldshed
4-28-16  - 2850 - pinksunsetonbarn
4-28-16 - 2854 - pinksunsetongrainery
4-28-16 - 2638 - barnyardsunset_175
5-1-16 - oldfarmhouse - 3172
5-13-16 --4992
5-13-16 --5043
5-13-16 --5039
5-12-16 --4687
5-13-16 --4763
5-13-16 --4761
5-14-16 --5208
5-14-16 --5211
5-23-16 -- 6200
5-24-16 -- 6270

5-24-16 -- 6281
5-24-16 -- 6266
5-23-16 -- 6245
6-2-16 -- 6449
6-2-16 -- 6481
6-2-16 -- 6438
6-3-16 -- 6592
6-3-16 -- 6510
6-3-16 -- 6627
6-3-16 -- 6516
6-3-16 -- 6597
6-3-16 -- 6594
6-3-16 -- 6512
6-3-16 -- 6511
6-4-16 -- 6726
6-4-16 -- 6723
6-4-16 -- 6739
6-4-16 -- 6654
6-8-16 -- 6787
6-21-16 -- 8188
8-5-16 -- 2000 Edit
8-11-16 -- 2184
8-11-16 -- 2186
8-20-16 -- 2370
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